Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Why Do You Need a Wedding Planner?

Photo: Cramnet Photography
We at Manila Wedding Planners are not going to tell you the answer to this question simply because we really can't. Because only you (the client) will know if you really need one or not. Best remedy is first ask yourself. 

Will you be getting help from others around you, your mother, bridesmaids, fiancé, friends or will you
have to do it all by yourself? Can you do it by yourself? Do you want to plan your wedding by yourself? Only you know.

Once you convinced yourself that you definitely need one, here are some of the benefits of hiring a wedding planner:
1. We provide a free initial consultation whereby we can tailor-make a service to suit your timescale and budget.
2. We can develop a schedule or timeline to work by, ensuring that nothing is overlooked and every detail is checked thoroughly.
3. We can ensure your budget is realistic, keep track of your expenditure and recommend suppliers within your price range, as necessary.
4. We have a database of preferred suppliers, chosen for their excellent customer service, personal and professional recommendations plus value for money services.
5. We spend time building relationships with suppliers and are therefore occasionally able to negotiate discounts on services, which are passed on to brides. We do not take commissions ourselves on any recommendations we make.
Start saving time and money now by hiring your wedding planner!

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